Taking the Fear out of Testing
Do you dread state testing? Are you wondering if you should even bother having your kids participate? Listen in and hear why it's critical to our schools AND how it can benefit your kids! You'll hear great ideas about how to make testing easier on your students--and you!
Lacey Carroll and Brad Mumaw join in from the testing team.
Do you dread state testing? Are you wondering if you should even bother having your kids participate? Listen in and hear why it's critical to our schools AND how it can benefit your kids! You'll hear great ideas about how to make testing easier on your students--and you! Lacey Carroll and Brad Mumaw join in from the testing team.
Parent Assessment tools (practice tests, etc)
Parent Assessment tools (practice tests, etc)
Readandspell.com (available as All Access curriculum)
Contact Brad and Lacey at testing@sequoiagrove.org.